Wednesday, March 4, 2015

100 Movies / 365 Days

At the beginning of 2015 I decided to make it my goal to watch 100 movies in a year. A daunting task? perhaps. But I am well on my way to achieving this goal. (I'm not the best at math but I believe I would just need to watch one new movie every 3-4 days. My rate however has been one movie every 1-2 days. Putting me at 34 on the list and we are only 64 days into the year).

This experience has shown me that my previous hypothesis, of never crying in movies to be false. I have also realized that half the enjoyment of the movie is not the content nor technical aspects of a film but rather the experience. For all of these movies I can remember where I was, who I was with, etc (admittedly most of them were in my bed by myself).

Due to this personal experience, the audience can never watch the same movie twice because it is so dependent on what the viewer brings to the table. Because of this idea I wanted to share with you my journey through these movies--or at least the ones that I didn't just watch, but rather experienced.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Snow Week pt2

February 24th, Snow Day 6. I comforted myself in the studio. I had 0 plans and this was the result. Later that evening there was Basketball Games. Senior Night. The last game of the season.

February 25th we were on a snow schedule. Which put my two classes a full two hours later than normal. Meaning my 4:00-5:30 class wouldn't actually start until 5:50. whaaaaa? Fortunatly that class was canceled but that meant that our Test that was now two weeks over due would be online. TONIGHT. and it would only be up between 6:30-8:00...great. I would have to miss Bible Study...turns out the teacher couldn't figure out how to get the test up so we didn't even have it. I just refreshed blackboard every 30 seconds for the past half hour for nothing. 

February 26th, true to form and right on cue was Snow Day 7. My poetry class decided to meet anyway because we are cool and don't care about dumb things like snow. I also went with a couple friends on a photo adventure. (pictures to come? maybe?) We also made snow cream

February 27th we finally got a normal day of class! Critique Day! everyones favorite day in photo! and then after that Photo Club went down to Kingsport and decorated a piano, say what? (maybe I'll post pictures!) (also my car was stuck on a sheet of ice so I could not drive)

And here I am, siting in March in 40 degree weather (which feels like the tropics, let me tell you.) All of our snow is GONE. It is just mud. 

That is the full story of the catastrophe that was Snow Week. 

Snow Week

15/52 aka Snow Week
It was a week to be remembered. A week to go down in the books. It started off simple enough on Sunday night on February 15th. I was just getting down to do my homework that I had procrastinated through the weekend. I had sketches due in Visual Rhetoric. I had already done my Audience Worksheet for Entrepreneurship but I still had a test I needed to study for. At 8:30 we got the text. "All King University Campuses will be closed tomorrow, February 16th, due to weather." Everyone was ecstatic. On cloud 9. And I was over here thinking--"what am I going to do?"
Finally a day when I am not trapped by responsibility but instead I am trapped by inclement weather. 

It turned out in the morning we did not even have snow. A light dusting, maybe. But nothing to even mention. At breakfast all anyone could talk about was the storm. Its coming. Its coming. Some one jokingly said: "we are going to be out for a full week." 

By lunch it had stared. We took pictures. We frolicked. We enjoyed the bitter cold and just wore multiple socks to keep our feet dry. We played Settlers. 

Before we knew it it was night. And at exactly 24 hours since we were informed of our first snow day of the semester we were given a day 2. So we watched chick flicks and rom coms. Sleepless in Seattle. Bridesmaids. and then we ended the night by laying our two beds on the floor and we watched Donnie Darko 

February 17th was spent in the Darkroom. 6+ hours. I forgot we were on an adjusted schedule and missed dinner. But I made a new friend who introduced me to the Shakey Graves and we talked about CS Lewis, and Anne of Green Gables. When we finally left the Darkroom the sun was shining through the window, leaving a soft sunset glow. Perfect and peaceful. 

Once again we got the text from security and once again we put our matteresses together on the floor and watched Slumdog Millionaire. Which does not have Tom Cruise in it, like I had previously thought. 

February 18th I spent my morning in the Mac Lab spot toning my prints. A task that makes me appreciate the wonder that is Photoshop and not take technology for granted. The afternoon I bundled up--it was 10 degrees outside. Not snowing, just cold. I shot my time-lapse for class. It was a beautiful blue sky and the clouds were moving so fast. (In the end it turned out that it was way to windy and my tripod moved way to much) 

That evening was spent in a friends room. With tea and cookies and apples to apples and Kevin Bacon. At 9:02 we heard screaming and chanting "SNOW WEEK SNOW WEEK SNOW WEEK". 4 out of 5 days, why not start wishing for a full set?

February 19th I spent the majority of the day in the Mac Lab. I needed to be doing something. I had already finished all of my homework. But I needed to keep busy or I would go insane. By this point my email stopped working. But at lunch a classmate informed me that our one class on Friday was canceled. So there goes a full week for me. 

That evening I invited myself over to a friends room. To just chill. And when we got the 5th text telling us that classes were canceled they invited me to the movies in the morning. I thought -- "why not?"

February 20th. We saw the Duff. Which really wasn't that good. But I wasn't expecting it to be. I helped a friend with a photo project. Then played BANG! all night. oh yeahhhh.

And that was the story of Snow Week. But that is not were this story ends. Oh no. 

February 21st I went with a friend to Abingdon and he got stuck in the snow a total of 3 times. Its a wonder we trust him and get in a car with him. We walked 30 minutes to a coffee shop. And then ate brownies and watched Pitch Perfect. (Not my choice, I was outvoted) 

February 22nd I kicked 5 inches of snow off from behind my car and drove to church. By myself for the first time since Freshman year. (I never drove myself anywhere freshman year cause I did not have a car). I also cried while watching Apollo 13. 

February 23rd WE FINALLY HAD SCHOOL. AMEN HALLELUJAH. I had ten thousand meetings to go to and two classes. But the productivity was short lived when I woke up the next morning to an email say that all classes, on all campuses were closed. 



Monday, February 16, 2015


I'm not behind. I'm just lazy posting. Sorry guys.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Sorry this is a week late. I am ashamed. Life's been crazy. But the good news is I am acing all of my classes! so thats swell. Also apparently my hair is red now. who knew??

Friday, January 30, 2015